Sunday, February 9, 2025

The travel decision

     The word "decision" has a vast importance in travel, too.
    One of my research links, writes about the fact the "decision" is part of a "...process..."
   The University of Queensland in Australia link I found is about how the travel decision impacts "Behavioral Geography," which is all about the environment and the ecotourism extensions to that purpose.
    However, nomadicmatt, finds that there is a paradox of choice to consider, which he elaborates on as part of the travel decision process, and does lead to interesting considerations that may not have occurred to every traveler who makes a travel decision.
   There is more about the travel decision that examines in an "abstract," insofar as the use of social media and travel behavior, which does communicate the immediacy of the experience, and allows more than ever before, for the travel experience to be beneficial in ways that were never thought of before the advent of the internet.  As well, the overview of the impact of travel constraints on travel decision making explores a "...comparative approach of travel frequencies with intended travel participation...," as another consideration regarding the "travel decision," adding more to understanding all aspects of the travel decision.
    Regardless, exploring the travel decision is not something that is about the "part of the process" I have found is about "accumulating the priceless memories" that are easier to laugh about now, especially when considering how stressful a wrong turn travel experience can be, and some day, even that "wrong turn" can be so beneficial to your eventual armchair travel experience.
     In the meantime, HAPPY TRAVELS!



Sunday, January 19, 2025

Is there a "precedent" in travel?


     The fact is, there is a "precedent" in travel.
     My research proves that the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution, i.e., constitutes Amdt14.S1.8.13.2 Interstate Travel as a Fundamental Right, therefore, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
     However, there is also the ArtIV.S2.C1.13 Right to Travel and Privileges and Immunities Clause, too.  "Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1:  The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.  The Supreme Court has long recognized the right to travel from one state to another under the Privileges and Immunities Clause, as well as other constitutional provisions.  For example, the Court held that a state could not constitutionally limit access to medical care to its own residents, and deny access to nonresidents, without interfering with the right to travel.
     Insofar as international travel, according to scholar.smu.ed/law, "... Surprisingly, Americans do not enjoy such a right. Under current Supreme Court precedents, the right to travel abroad is merely an aspect of liberty that may be restricted within the bounds of due process. The controversial No Fly List is one result. Another is a new rule that went into effect in February 2008, under which all travelers now require the express prior permission of the U.S. Government to board any aircraft or maritime vessel that will enter or leave the United States. Although the War on Terror raises new concerns about a right-to-travel case law developed during the Cold War, no one has yet made the case for stronger constitutional protection for international travel..."
     Why is a travel "precedent" important?
     According to Google's AI overview, among the several cases involving a travel "precedent" cited that were decided by SCOTUS: "...Supreme Court cases that established or expanded the right to travel include: Kent v. Dulles (1958) The court ruled that the Secretary of State violated citizens' rights by denying them passports for refusing to answer questions about their beliefs. This case established the right to travel abroad."
     Yet in another case, Shapiro v. Thompson (1969) an issue having little to do with a travel "precedent" was related to receiving welfare   The court ruled that the right to travel from one state to another is a constitutional right. The court also ruled that residency waiting periods for welfare violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
     The importance of the little known aspects of a travel "precedent" could one day affect you, too, in ways that involve more than, the enjoyment and collection of memories for those days when you will be only an armchair traveler. 
     Happy traveling!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

What is "social change" travel?


     Rather than social change impacting in a negative, my research proves "social change" in travel has a positive effect.
     According to, only 5% of monies spent for travel stays in the local communities, and they also claim, "Social Impact travel is a growing trend in the travel industry that aims to support local communities and make a positive impact in host communities..."
     And also says that travelers are seeking a local cultural experience that respects the community.
     Also, the well known PBS travel expert Rick Steves doesn't hide the fact that he is a social activist, he says this about his philanthropic activities:  "...Apart from the good of travel itself, Rick Steves, our company, and our employees engage in several areas of activism and philanthropy to help bring about greater social good..."
     All of the above about Rick Steves doesn't tell us what he promotes for 'the social good,' but nevertheless, he believes 'travel promotes acceptance for other cultures.'
     By tapping into the current fad-like use of travel to improve the communities that host travelers, is effected by giving the locals a better standard of living, which is especially needed in the areas of Africa that are patriarchal and offer women no opportunity to improve the lives of their children—however, Rick isn't visiting the Congo on a hunting expedition, he tends to stay in Western Europe, and comes back to the USA to spread the cultural experience of the socialist European Union where the "social class system" is always in evidence.
     Moreover, some are making a 'business' about 'travel" and 'self worth.'
     The advent of the fad-like 'responsible travel' and 'self worth' is amply discussed by, they advise how a 'travel coach' can be hired to make a responsible trip happen which adds substantially to a traveler's self-worth.
     And finally,, offers proof that the airline industry brought about real "social change."
     The ability to travel away somewhere, anywhere, even overseas, shores up the positive impact of "social change" travel, with travel only for the privileged as was practiced prior to WWII, changed, mainly by the airline industry's leveling of the cost, so that even the ordinary wage earner could see the world.
     Thanks to Frommer's best selling paperback Europe on $5 per day, I personally benefited by the ability to travel and see Europe, even though I wasn't born with 'a silver spoon in my mouth' (reference to a trust fund enabling living the good life), I was able to experience all that Europe had to offer, often spending a night in a castle for $5, which is why I started this blog in 2013, comforttravel@less$
     Sadly those days are over, inflation has attacked 1st class travel more than any other luxury pursuit.
     Even if it is a 2nd or 3rd class experience, travel produces the memories that are priceless, especially those inevitable 'Murphy's Law' moments.
     Happy traveling!!