Saturday, December 9, 2023

In the 21st century year of 2023 is "trust" a word used in the travel industry?

     For many today, Google's pronouncements are important and meaningful when applicable to certain current trends and meaning about what takes place in the travel industry.
     For example, according to Google, "Trust is defined in tourism literature as the dependability and credibility of important factors associated with tourist destinations (Marinao et al., 2012; Artigas et al., 2017). It is critical for the development of tourism and societal well-being (Ramkissoon, 2020)."
     However, according to the data site travelport the level of "trust" in travel is only at 46%, which actually mirrors the current low level of  "trust" in institutions/governments and even charities, and certainly the opinion based media's reporting of what is taking place, has acerbated the public's skepticism.
     Now that the often "opinion" based reporting is coupled with the advent of AI generated copy and photos, even what is eye witnessed is in question.
      In the travel industry, brands like Travel Advisor are busy issuing press releases to confirm their commitment to providing users with "trust" in their safety, yet when sites like travelpulse run surveys of travelers, there is an indication that the general sense of low "trust" is persuasive as well. 
     Regardless, the travel industry is ignoring the lowered level of "trust" to forge ahead with projects to indicate the industry is increasing whatever will reassure travelers to travel to their destinations, plus use the "trust" products that they say are exactly as touted.
     What can we expect during our 2023-2024 seasonal travel insofar as "trust" in the travel products we use?
     I believe we are at a time when events are unexpected and chaos is expected, I advise you to carefully assess whatever you do to determine if your level of "trust" is in keeping with your travel plans. 

Monday, November 20, 2023

21st century travel "perspectives" are intertwined with "Globalization"

    In the 21st century, "opinionated explanations" abound so "perspective" exists for travel.
     According to Google:  "People will turn to travel for deeper, more engaging, human experiences and connections. Travel is a gateway to discovering different cultures and perspectives - in 2023, people will focus on travel as a way to create deeper connections with friends, family, colleagues, customers, cultures and the earth."
     The "right" opinion is embodied by what I call the "culture" police, in this case, the "right" way to travel has to be "meaningful," because the "right" approach to living in the "global" world, is to embrace a "global identity."
     Now the travel industry is part of that advancement.
    Therefore National Geographic tells us that in 2023 travel must be more meaningful, and Forbes, a well respected travel industry publication, has determined that in this same 2023 year when political turmoil and wars are causing chaos, the cultures of the world should be embraced.
    Thus, traveling to distant lands of unfamiliar cultures is the "right" thing to do.
    However, Roadbook claims the insiders know that travel "perspectives" are really "trends" the travel industry sets up to market brand name hotel properties and tourism destinations.  
    Nonetheless the 21st century's travel "perspective" is akin to a "global identity" celebrating unique cultures and teaching us how to become "connected" to the world with friends and family as part of the mix - as well,  embracing travel "perspectives" encourages a search for the "unfamiliar" as a way of traveling specifically to embrace difference – for instance, going to Italy year after year is the "wrong" way to travel in the 21st century.  
   The 2023 travel industry standard based on "cultural difference," sets forth a "global" view of the world - the "Globalists" believe that understanding different "perspectives" will avoid wars and bring peace to the world.    





Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Variables in travel

     I chose this topic "variables in travel" to shine a light on the back scene of the travel industry, which is using 21st century tech to advance the travel product, with AI in the mix, who knows what will impact the travel picture as regards an entirely new concept that will bring in a new generation of travelers.
     The variables in travel according to Google search are "Factors such as exchange rates, income levels, and inflation can impact tourists' affordability and willingness to travel, as well as the profitability of tourism businesses. Overall, these variables interact and influence each other in shaping the development of tourism products."
     To translate the above of variables, what variables do is to shape the yearly global tourism picture, and yet when the popularity of destinations variable could be political in nature, nevertheless, I could find nothing on the internet to indicate that political considerations play any part in the popularity of a travel destination.
     Still, if, I have found nothing on the internet to indicate nationality and ethnicity can play a part in the choice of travel destination, from my many years of working in the travel industry in positions of management, I know that for many going back to the land/lands of ancestors can be an important part of the destination choices.
     My research about tourism variables indicates that beach and island destinations use development variables to produce travel products that will appeal to a variety of travelers.
     One thing I've found that during times of uncertainty, travel is affected, whether it be economic or at times of nation to nation disputes, the world order must be in place for tourism to thrive, but during this fall/winter season of 2023 the tourism variables kick in, and safety may be paramount, thus travel in general can be affected.
     Nonetheless, there is a variable for that too, and some perhaps local destination tourism facility will capitalize on it by working with the hospitality industry to provide products that are welcoming to travelers who want to turn off the externals at least while on a holiday.
     Whatever you are considering for the years 2023 and 2024, keep in mind that any choice should be based on uncertainty.  And looking for travel products that are close enough to your home will almost eliminate the need to ask that very pertinent question: what is the refund policy?  Although, that question is always good to inquire about, however, if you depend on travel insurance, check on the "act of God" clause to find out what isn't covered.
     As always, wherever you go the aim is to enjoy that time when you are living in the moment, traveling is in itself a moment by moment.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

21st century philosophy of travel

     Insofar as I am concerned, I don't have a travel philosophy, for me travel is something I did to explore another kind of direction in a new surrounding without any previous foregone conclusion.
     My research on the subject of "philosophy" when used within the context of travel has produced some interesting concepts.
     For Instance, the concept of expanding our direction has been a centuries old experience, some say leading the world to expand intellectually, and grow our expectations of what the human mind is capable of with the use of other cultures that expanded direction and invention.
     Even the experimental concept of "time travel" either backwards or forwards is part of the "philosophy" of travel.
     As well, the so-called "travel experts" are also representative of their particular "philosophy" of travel.  For example, Rick Steves espouses his version of travel wisdom as the correct association of philosophical assessments of  a certain country or part of the world.  The hotels and tours he recommends espouse his philosophical travel direction.  As well, devoted followers travel and stay in the recommended accommodations, and believe they too are traveling wisely, and can correctly assess the correct travel philosophy.
     On the other hand, Robin Hemley espouses the travel philosophy of "adventure" which is more my style - his trips are often "Murphy's Law" experiences – which is, anything that can go wrong will, and he always manages to extricate himself from the worst of it, the result is an adventure to remember for his readers and devotees.  Although if some dare to try it themselves, they may not have a Robin Hemley outcome, but then that's part of it too.
     Therefore, I can conclude from all of the above that a "travel philosophy" is yours to pick.
     And whatever it is, have fun.
    Come back with lots of pictures to frame and look at when your life seems at its dullest and most boring - also remember that you can always plan another trip to add to your bucket list.