Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Are two of the major US airlines claiming travel patterns are almost back to pre-pandemic levels as a PR tactic to effect it when they are making more money despite the lack of it?


From what I can determine these two US major airlines are not interested in having the current administration set in motion onerous government regulations, but they fear that making their best profits in 2022 are counter-against the facts:  "air travel" is not rebounding to pre-pandemic levels.

So what do these 2 major airlines do?

It must be they believe anyone can effect the tactics used by the current administration to posit the reality of what's happening globally and in our nation, however, these airlines fail to understand that the major press media have no motive to rewrite the facts.  With a few minutes of research on the Internet I found the two major airlines are not afforded any dodges by the two  major media sources I cite, instead it seems that these two major airlines are citing a "hopeful" outlook for the year 2022 when addressing regarding achieving pre-pandemic travel levels.  
However, I believe that global inflation is something that will cut the lifestyles of all but the "rich and famous," and the global middle class will be feeling a reckoning despite the western nations "state" media's efforts to avoid writing and filming the protests.  Much like it was when the economics of inflation gave the German middle class citizens a reason to believe the Adolf Hitler who had seized the issues of the lower classes could fix their economic problems, the global economics don't favor a pre-pandemic rebound for airline travel.
And it will get worse, not better as the "global elites" seek to make money touting the notion that there can be prosperity without a way to get energy without fossil fuels, as well as the reality that "investors" in the Russian fuel pipe lines were affiliated and directly connected with the highest levels of the German government. 
For some reason the idea that the worst affects of "climate change" upon the global environment will be assuaged by using Iranian and Russian drilled "dirtier oil" than "clean American" generated fossil fuel will be okay, belabors the logic.