Sunday, February 9, 2025

The travel decision

     The word "decision" has a vast importance in travel, too.
    One of my research links, writes about the fact the "decision" is part of a "...process..."
   The University of Queensland in Australia link I found is about how the travel decision impacts "Behavioral Geography," which is all about the environment and the ecotourism extensions to that purpose.
    However, nomadicmatt, finds that there is a paradox of choice to consider, which he elaborates on as part of the travel decision process, and does lead to interesting considerations that may not have occurred to every traveler who makes a travel decision.
   There is more about the travel decision that examines in an "abstract," insofar as the use of social media and travel behavior, which does communicate the immediacy of the experience, and allows more than ever before, for the travel experience to be beneficial in ways that were never thought of before the advent of the internet.  As well, the overview of the impact of travel constraints on travel decision making explores a "...comparative approach of travel frequencies with intended travel participation...," as another consideration regarding the "travel decision," adding more to understanding all aspects of the travel decision.
    Regardless, exploring the travel decision is not something that is about the "part of the process" I have found is about "accumulating the priceless memories" that are easier to laugh about now, especially when considering how stressful a wrong turn travel experience can be, and some day, even that "wrong turn" can be so beneficial to your eventual armchair travel experience.
     In the meantime, HAPPY TRAVELS!